
On June 1, 2016, Hamilton, Ontario-based International Comic Exchange (ICE) listed a copy of Better Comics #1 CGC 7.0. The comic is one of only two graded 7.0, the highest in the CGC Census.

Better Comics #1 was published by Vancouver’s Maple Leaf Publishing when the Canadian government implemented the War Exchange Conservation Act (WECA). Part of the act banned non-essential imports during the war economy, such as American comic books. Better Comics #1 was followed by a thriving Canadian comic publishing industry during the war years. In 1946 when WECA was repealed, the Canadian comic book industry suffered greatly.

There are very few known copies of Better Comics #1. “We’re thrilled to list this historic first Canadian comic book for sale and we look forward to displaying it for all to see in Niagara Falls on June 4,” ICE administrator Marty Birthelmer said.

ICE has listed the copy of Better Comics #1 CGC 7.0 for $100,000. It was listed in conjunction with the 75th anniversary of Canadian comics on June 4 at Big B Comics and Chapterhouse Publishing at 6465 Lundy’s Lane, Niagara Falls, ON. The festivities will be held from 7 PM to 9 PM where Better Comics #1 will be on display.

For more information contact Walt at walt@icomicexchange.com