Catch the Wave

Illustration House will be opening its doors to comic art enthusiasts who are looking to geek out on art during the week of New York Comic Con. These meetups don’t happen quite as often as they used to, so fans are encouraged to catch this one.

The meetup will be happening from 5 PM to 9 PM on Wednesday, October 4, 2017 at Illustration House, located at 34 West 27th Street, third floor, in New York City.

Unlike the more intimate meetups of the past, buying, selling, and trading art is openly encouraged. Because of this, Illustration House will be making wall space available for framed pieces, so artists are encouraged to contact Zaddick Longenbach by emailing zaddick@illustrationhouse.com in order to make arrangements to have art featured. Those planning on attending should RSVP to Longenbach at the same email address.