In the Limelight

Scoop: Please introduce yourself!
Raksmey Prak (RP): My name is Raksmey Prak! My alias and cosplay page is AutumnVirus Cosplay! I'm 22 years old, and I've been cosplaying since 2010. I'm also an artist, gamer, and a streamer, and I'm a college graduate with a bachelor's degree in biology.

Scoop: What first got you interested in cosplay?
RP: I first got interested in cosplay because I thought it would be cool to cosplay a character and make them come to life and ever since then, I've been hooked!

Scoop: What was it about cosplay that made you want to participate?
RP: I just always loved the cosplay scene! It's who I am, and I'm able to be myself whenever I'm in cosplay, and it's an amazing feeling! I enjoy it so much!

Scoop: What is your personal approach to cosplay? How do you pick a character to emulate?
RP: I normally choose a cosplay based on a character I really liked whether it was from an anime, game, comic, etc. Choosing a cosplay is probably the hardest part because there are so many choices! But, personally, I choose a character based on how much I enjoyed and loved that character in said anime/game/comic.

Scoop: Do you tend to make your own costumes, or do you receive help?
RP: I'm more of an armor-based cosplayer meaning I'm better at making armor and weapons or props! I can sew, but I can't do the intricate stuff, so I do receive help by asking for commissions and such!

Scoop: What has been one of your best or most memorable experiences in cosplay?
RP: Honestly, I can't pick or choose a memorable experience in cosplay because every time I'm in cosplay at a convention, it's always memorable. Every experience is different every time, and I always have such a wonderful time!

Scoop: What issues do you think cosplayers tend to face most often?
RP: Time. Time is probably the biggest issue that cosplayers face, because sometimes you just end up underestimating how long it takes to make a cosplay!

Scoop: What do you think cosplay adds to the overall convention experience?
RP: Cosplay is definitely the highlight of every convention, in my opinion! It just makes people happy to cosplay and to see cosplay. The cosplay community is so friendly, and it always enhances the convention experience!

Scoop: Do you have any major convention or costume plans coming up?
RP: I do! I'm making the most difficult cosplay thus far and will be debuting it at Otakon 2016! I'm really excited to make it because it's mainly armor which is my specialty! The major conventions I will be attending are Otakon, Twitchcon, and Nekocon.

Scoop: Anything else you’d like to add?
RP: I just want to say that cosplay is for enjoyment, so everyone should be happy and just enjoy themselves without any judgement or hatred!