
BOOM! Box; $3.99

Seiji Katayama has established himself as the man to beat at the Knight’s Row Boys School, though one of the upperclassmen, Aiden, is determined to knock him down a peg – or several. The two face off in the next round of the round-robin tournament to determine who makes the team and who gets cut, and Aiden has seemingly figured out how to push all of the right buttons to eat away at Seiji’s cold and collected exterior.

Fence, so far, has been a pretty solid, pretty interesting read. Sports manga and anime have proven to be extremely popular in Japan and many series have found a strong foothold in America as well – so for BOOM! to be publishing a series like this makes a lot of sense. My lingering concern with Fence is that it takes so many cues from sports manga series in its writing and overall tone that it often comes off as entirely derivative rather than something unique. Hopefully within the next few issues it’ll really start to feel like something entirely fresh.

-Carrie Wood