
DC Super Hero Girls is about to embark on an all-new adventure with the new comic book series, DC Super Hero Girls: Spaced Out in November 2017. This 12-chapter series is the latest installment in the DC Super Hero Girls franchise, which features animated movies, TV and webisodes, apparel, toys and publishing. 

DC Super Hero Girls: Spaced Out, written by Shea Fontana and illustrated by Agnes Garbowska, follows Earth’s new Green Lantern, Jessica Cruz, as she heads to Oa to introduce herself to the Green Lantern Corps. Along the way, Cruz and her super friends cross paths with some of the biggest threats in the galaxy. Meanwhile, the earthbound students of Super Hero High are faced with their own challenge – pet-sitting Krypto the Super-Dog. 

Fans of the DC Super Hero Girls series can hear all about the new tale by joining a special Facebook Live broadcast on the DC Kids page on Monday, November 13 at 3 PM PT. Submit questions about the story and characters by commenting on the DC Kids Facebook post, or by using #AskDCSuperHeroGirls via Twitter.

The debut issue launches digitally on November 20. Biweekly digital chapters of DC Super Hero Girls: Spaced Out can be downloaded via the DC Comics App, readdcentertainment.com, iBooks, comiXology, Google Play, Kindle Store and Nook Store.