
CBCS will be set up and taking regular, VSP, and ASP submissions at three conventions this weekend. They’ll be set up at Rose City Comic Con in Oregon on September 13-15, 2019; Granite State Comicon in New Hampshire on September 14-15; and Monroe Pop-Fest in Michigan on September 15.

“These are great shows and we at CBCS are happy that we will be able to be at them,” CBCS president & primary grader Steve Borock said. “Our signature programs have become very popular among collectors and sellers alike and we are excited to offer these services to all at these conventions!”

Turnaround time for the Modern, Expanded, and Consumer tiers are only five weeks. All other higher tiers are on-time or back sooner. More information on CBCS and their services can be found at www.CBCScomics.com.