
President Abraham Lincoln’s assassination was one of the most important events in American history, shocking a nation that was still healing from the Civil War. The next morning on April 15, 1865, the New York Times broke the new of the “Awful Event” and a copy of that paper is now open for bids at ComicConnect.

At the time of publication, Lincoln lingered between life and death as the name of the assassin remained a mystery and the conspiracy to kill the president was on the cusp of discovery.

“This is an incredible item of historical significance that documents the story of an American tragedy,” Vincent Zurzolo, co-founder of ComicConnect, said. “Lincoln drew one of his last breaths as this paper rolled off the press. It’s a remarkable piece that feels like a portal to another world.”

The auction starts on Monday August 3, 2020 at 12 PM ET. ComicConnect is located in New York City, just steps away from Herald Square in the heart of Manhattan. They can be reached at (212) 260-4147 for assistance with a collection or bids.