
Violence and death are a big part of superhero comics, so it’s no surprise that some characters have abilities tied to the afterlife. Dead Girl is a mix of ghost and zombie who has the mutant ability to return to a semi-life after she’s died, the power to become intangible, and she can talk to other dead people.

Dead Girl was introduced in X-Force #125 (April 2002) as an aspiring actress who is killed by a fellow actor after a one night stand. Her mutant powers were triggered, and she avenged her own death. After that, she moved to California and became an adventurer, eventually joining X-Force. She went with them to space to fight the group of renegade government mutates called Bush Rangers.

After U-Go Girl was killed during a mission, Mister Sensitive renamed the team X-Statix, which was her last request. Dead Girl started dating her teammate Anarchist and the pair briefly started the roadshow “Death and Anarchy” which showed off her ability to recover from any attack. For months Dead Girl went on X-Statix missions abroad in Africa, Malaysia, India, and other places.

Dead Girl was involved in one very twisted story when she started receiving telepathic messages from the dead about Brad Gutman, a mortician who was abusing corpses. She killed him before he could violate the corpse of his daughter then she brought him back long enough for the ghosts of his victims to have their revenge.

When mutant pop star Henrietta Hunter, another resurrected woman, joined X-Statix, Dead Girl was not a fan of the addition. But when Mister Code killed Henrietta, Dead Girl helped her spirit seek vengeance against her original killers.

Dead Girl was struck by a mysterious illness that ended up killing her again. Months later Mysterio, Kraven, Anarchist, and Miss America escaped the afterlife in forms like Dead Girl’s to cause mayhem in New York. Realizing that they needed an ally who was familiar with the new threat, Doctor Strange contacted Dead Girl. She led his astral form to recruit other spirits like Ant-Man, Phantom Rider, and Mister Sensitive.