
Dark Horse Comics; $12.99 soft cover & $49.99 limited edition hardcover

While Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Tarzan and John Carter of Mars get the lion’s share of the acclaim for the author, he did indeed create a lot of other material.

One of his projects was a novel called The Outlaw of Torn, one part of which was turned into an outstanding original graphic novel several years ago by writer Rob Hughes and artists Thomas Yeates and Michael Wm. Kaluta.

Chivalry, treachery, adventure, intrigue, swordplay and even more intrigue swirl through the story. This beautifully illustrated, well-researched story has great pacing and really pulls the reader in, whether previously aware of the Burroughs book or not (for instance, we knew of the novel, but we hadn’t read it). It’s easily accessible for new readers, and from what we’ve heard, Burroughs fans were very happy with it, too.

If you’re looking to get outside the superhero genre, this is a great place to start.

– J.C. Vaughn