
Frank Miller Presents; $5.99

In my reviews of the Frank Miller Presents Ashcan, the first two issues of Ancient Enemies, and the one-shot Ancient Enemies: The Djinni, I’ve commented on how much I’m enjoying the world building creator Dan DiDio has going on in this series. From the big, bold moments (there have been plenty, including in this issue) to quieter, revealing scenes such as The Djinni and Big Sister sharing a meal, finding out about the post alien impact world and the people who populate it has been a lot of fun.

I haven’t, though, spent a lot of time talking about the line art by Danilo Beyruth or the colors by Alex Sinclair, and this issue is as good a time as any to change that.

Beyruth’s line work is clean, pure, even elegant. The storytelling from panel to panel is solid, and his ability to switch back and forth between character moments and over-the-top action is truly enjoyable.

Sinclair has long been at the highest echelons of comic book colorists, adding ambience, depth, and even meaning to the scenes in the line art. He wows the reader by adding to the art, not distracting from it.

With Beyruth and Sinclair together, there’s a bit of magic going on here.

– J.C. Vaughn