
Marvel; December 1981
Cover by John Byrne

Title: “The Eyes Have It!”
Synopsis: A disoriented alien falls in with some small-time thieves – and finds herself facing off against half of the Fantastic Four.

Writer: John Byrne
Penciler: Byrne

Review: After delivering a classic anniversary issue in Fantastic Four #236 John Byrne pulls back into another simple, done-in-one tale. This issue isn’t bad, but a nagging sense of “get on with it already” is setting into his run; a title like Fantastic Four needs an occasional dose of heroic epic. There’s also a little awkwardness to the writing, with Byrne noticeably writing to new readers (i.e., of course the Invisible Girl hasn’t forgotten Alicia is blind). But there are some excellent character moments, and the story of Spinnerette is fine fun. And, of course, Byrne’s art remains exceptional.

Grade: B+

Cool factor: Spinnerette is a fun new add to the Fantastic Four mythos, even if little has been done with the character in the years since.

Character quotable: “The rush, my darling, is to hopefully prevent a disaster of truly planetary proportions.” – Mr. Fantastic, romantic master of the overstatement.

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