
Power; November 1977
Cover by Jim Craig

Title: “Conquermind!”
The Northern Light doesn’t take kindly to Conquermind, a powerful alien overseeing a school field trip to Earth.

Writer: James Waley
Penciler: Jim Craig

Review: First, the good about a semi-pro publication like Power Comics #4: The format – a self-covered comic with black and white interiors – is very cool. Compared to the gloss and polish of a newsstand comic, it has an irresistible DIY charm. That DIY appeal carries over to the creative team, as James Waley and Jim Craig’s desire to see the Northern Light succeed is obvious. Unfortunately, this outing isn’t up to the task. Waley’s script isn’t ready for primetime, suffering from pacing, dialogue, and character development issues. Craig’s art is closer to pro quality but lacks the consistency of his Marvel work.

Grade: C

Cool factor: Love the fanzine format.
Not-so-cool factor: The jive-talkin’, undercover alien soul mama? Not so much.

Notable: The Northern Light previously appeared in Orb magazine. … James Waley went on to be a founder of the Joe Shuster Awards.

Character quotable: “How brash you Earthlings are … Ha! HA! Compared to my race you are like helpless infants! Worthless insects! To me, Northern Light … you are … NOTHING!” – Conquermind (a villain who obviously shops at the Kirby Headdress Outlet Store)

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