In the Limelight

On Sunday at Harrisburg Comic Con Scoop talked to actor Steve Coulter about conventions, The Walking Dead, and his upcoming projects.

Scoop: Are you having a good time this weekend?
Steve Coulter (SC): I’m doing great, it’s been a lot of fun. People are very nice.

Scoop: Have you had fun with the fans?
What’s really fun is the kids. Some of the kids don’t know who you are. They go, “Who are you?” I’ve gotten to hold a three-month-old baby, who I know did not know who I was. It’s funny because sometimes people know me from The Walking Dead, but we have these pictures laid out on the table and they go, “Oh, wait a minute, you’re that guy? Are you that guy?” [nods] “Yeah, I’m that guy. I think I am.”

Scoop: Do people want to talk about specific movies or shows?
They’ll want to know, for example, how I died in The Walking Dead, how did they do that. If it’s questions about The Conjuring, they’ll want to know is it scary making a scary movie. It’s actually not, and I think it’s because it’s so...the story’s so dense that it’s pretty light shooting it. Stuff like that. Or they’ll want to know about a certain moment in the film, like “How did you guys do that?”

Scoop: You’ve had several notable roles in horror. Is that a genre you enjoy working in?
Nothing against scary movies, but I don’t like them, because they’re scary. We want to see – I hadn’t seen The Conjuring 2 until last night, and I jumped in my seat like six times and I was like, “Oh man. Oh no, oh no, no, no.” So, I don’t like the genre only because it scares me and I sort of fell into it because of James Wan, I’ve done, like, five movies with him. So, I don’t care for the genre, only because I think it’s great, but it scares the heck out of me.

Scoop: What are you working on now?
SC: I’m about to do a new Hank Azaria TV series, a comedy, so there’s no zombies or ghosts. I have a Tom Cruise movie I did called, Mena, which comes out in January. And a Michael Keaton movie called The Founder, which comes out in August, it’s about Ray Kroc, who founded McDonald’s.

Scoop: Alexandria and your character were different on the show than in the comic. Did that freedom help your performance?
I did research the comics to see if there was anything I could take from it and there wasn’t a lot. They are similar, even though I was Regina in the comic book, and I should’ve known I was going to die because in the comic it’s very similar to how she dies. But, I naively did not realize, because I knew Pete was going to die, so if Pete’s going to die that means I have to die. [laughs] I think I was just living in denial for a while. You want to get the sense of that because you want to honor [the comic] if there’s something you can use or something you can avoid. The main thing I got was the clearheadedness, he was sort of the voice of reason.

Scoop: I thought they were both really cool characters, especially since there are so many nasty people in that show. It was fun to see these people who, I felt like, were sweet.
SC: I was a big, big fan of the show – I watched it from the beginning. When I got the role, I was very excited, but I was nervous, because this was my favorite show. But as an actor, Reg is so calm and relaxed and confident, so to get into character I just had to be relaxed, which really helped. That was kind of fun to play. Like you said, they are sweet, they’re kind, they’re not – at least Reg – was not conflicted. He was very wise. It was fun to play someone who was calm.”

Scoop: I loved the moment when Reg was talking to Noah – things were looking up and then what happened to Noah…
When I read that script and I saw that scene is at the beginning of the script I thought, “Oh great, this is going to be a nice relationship.” Of course, later on in the script when Noah is in the revolving door I was like, “Ooooh, man!” But that kind of scene is rare for The Walking Dead. It was a very calm, sweet positive scene. A lot of people said that when they saw that scene they knew Noah was going to die and they also thought Reg would probably die.

Scoop: Yeah, that’s true. Do you have more cons coming up this summer?
SC: Not this summer. I’ve done a bunch, I’ve been in England, Canada – so I’m actually looking forward to being home for a while, which will be nice. But, I do like traveling and meeting people, but I miss my family.