In the Limelight

Last weekend Comic Book Men’s Ming Chen, Mike Zapcic, and Bryan Johnson attended Harrisburg Comic Con. Scoop spoke to Chen and Zapcic about the con, summer plans, and the convention experience.

Scoop: Are you guys having fun at Harrisburg Comic Con?
Ming Chen (MC): Good, exciting, but very hot, though. When you walk in you kind of get hit with the smell of cow manure, I mean it is in a place called the Farm Show complex, but you get used to it after five minutes.
Mike Zapcic (MZ):
We had a panel on the killing floor, which was actually quite apropos.

Scoop: Do you buy stuff at cons?
MC: It’s the first thing we do. We try to get here early, before the crowds do a little cherry picking and get all the best deals. You’re always just looking for something. If I’m going to do a show by myself, sometimes these guys [points to Zapcic] will send me with a shopping list. I’m always flipping through…
Hear that kids, Ming’s stealing all of your good deals. So yeah, if you’re looking for a New Mutants #87 or #98 and the guy says, ‘Oh, I just sold it to a guy.’ It was probably Ming Chen that he sold it to.
Sometimes they’ll bump us a little discount in exchange for a photo, that’s not a bad thing. We were retailers first, we were fans first – you always look for that edge to get a little discount.

Scoop: Are there cons on your schedule for the next few months?
There are. People always talk about the convention bubble, when’s it going to burst? Are there too many of them? No. I mean, obviously people are still coming to them. It seems like they're still in the upward, they're getting bigger and better so, I’m going to Comicpalooza in Houston, Comikaze in Los Angeles, Derby City in Louisville, there’s literally like five cons every weekend. I’d like to be at at least one of them if there’s a show going on.
Or three if he can swing it. He has been known to attend multiple cons. It’s kind of weird.

Scoop: I actually saw you twice last weekend at Wizard World Philadelphia on Saturday and Awesome Con on Sunday.
Yeah, I mean, why not go? Those two shows were within 120 miles of each other, they’re both major shows – why not hit both? That’s my dream. I was bested only by Kevin Smith – he did three cons last weekend.

Scoop: That’s intense. What about you, Mike, what do you have coming up?
MZ: What do I have coming up Ming?
You also have Comikaze coming up.
MZ: I have Comikaze, Infinity Con, Salt Lake City...
Salt Lake City is a big one. Jekyll Island Comic Con in Georgia, Heroes and Villains, both New Jersey and Atlanta.
Colorado Springs Comic Con.
Rhode Island Comic Con. If it ends in con, we’re there.