
New tales of terror are heading to comic shops in the revived EC comics line from Oni Press. The second issue of Epitaphs from the Abyss will feature three new horror stories by writers Jason Aaron (Thor), Matt Kindt (BRZRKR), writer-artist Tyler Crook (Harrow County), and artists Klaus Janson (Daredevil) and Jorge Fornes (Rorschach). Richard Starkings (Batman: The Killing Joke) will be lettering both Epitaphs from the Abyss #1 and Cruel Summer #1.

“As a kid I discovered the short story format from writers like Ray Bradbury and O. Henry,” Janson said. “As a teen, I was introduced to EC Comics and fell in love. Now, as an adult, I get to combine the two with the help of writer Matt Kindt to make the dream of doing an EC story come true! We push the boundaries just a bit further for a modern audience and I couldn’t be happier!”

“Being asked to contribute a story to these new EC books is a dream come true,” Crook said. “Like a lot of my peers, I am obsessed with the classic EC horror stories and have learned a lot about storytelling and cartooning by pouring over old reprints. I just hope that I’ve been able to make something that is half as good as the stories that I grew up with!”

“What an honor to get to craft a new story in the gloriously twisted tradition of EC Comics,” Aaron said. “My frightful little ditty is very much a tale of modern horror, starring one of today’s most potent tools of misery and human suffering. But told in the same gleefully wicked style as the EC classics of yesteryear. Brace yourselves, all you freaks and fiends. EC is back.”

The first issue of Epitaphs from the Abyss will hit stores on July 24, 2024, followed by the next new EC book, Cruel Universe #1, featuring bizarre stories of across time and space. It will be out on August 7.

Epitaphs from the Abyss #2 will feature covers by Lee Bermejo (Batman: Damned), Adam Pollina (X-Force), Jay Stephens (Dwellings), and Rian Hughes (The Multiversity). It will arrive in comic shops on August 21.