Friday, February 21, 2025
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Smokey Robinson, the King of Motown
Smokey Robinson is a singer-songwriter who was an integral figure in the popularity of Motown Records and the growth of soul and R&B music...
Golden Girl and the Guardians of the Gemstones
In 1984, Galoob toy manufacturer introduced the fantasy style toy line Golden Girl and the Guardians of the Gemstones. The toy line...
The Hot Adventures of Fire/Green Fury
Superheroine Fire is a hot number in the DC universe. Also known as Green Fury, she was created by E. Nelson Bridwell and Ramona Fradon...
The Genesis “Does What Nintendon’t” Campaign
The console wars between Sega and Nintendo hit full swing by the time the Sega Genesis hit in North America in October 1989...
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