
Peter David is a comic writer known for his 12-year run on The Incredible Hulk, his work on Spider-Man 2099, Young Justice, Aquaman, Supergirl, Captain Marvel, and X-Factor. Outside of comics, he has penned novels, and written for TV, film, and video games. The talented writer is facing significant health issues and is in need of financial help.

A GoFundMe page has been started to help him with the cost of medical treatment. David has been experiencing health issues for a while, which have included kidney disease, minor surgeries, and small strokes. According to the page, Medicaid, which was handling his long-term disability, has dropped his coverage. Because of this, the cost of medical care and living expenses are becoming a serious issue.

“I’ve known Peter and his family for many years. They are the nicest, kindest, and most generous people you will ever meet,” GoFundMe page organizer Graham Murphy said. “Let’s return some of that kindness and generosity and help them make it through this. Please donate and spread the word. Thank you!”

Donations to help David can be made at GoFundMe.com.