
ComicConnect has added a foreign comics selection to their website’s “Categories” menu. This is being done in response to collector interest for global selections of key comics.

They will open Event Auction 59 on Monday, September 9, 2024, featuring X-Men #1 6.5 and Mexico’s Los Hombres X #1. There are more foreign firsts like Incredible Hulk #1 from Israel, a French Vampirella #1, a Mexican Daredevil #1, and Superman and Batman taking top billing on a German Flash Annual #1. From the Netherlands, the Scarlet Speedster reclaims his name on a Flash #106, there’s a new spin on the Punisher’s intro in Amazing Spider-Man #129, and Robin makes his Dutch debut in Detective Comic #38.

Further foreign titles include the Mexican origin of Doctor Strange in Doctor Centella #1, and the Black Panther’s first appearance in a Fantastic Four #52 from Italy. There are foreign Fixed Price offerings as well, such as Hungary’s own introduction of the Punisher in Peter Parker Pokember #3, and a Murphy Anderson file copy of the Mexican printing of Hawkman #4.