In the Limelight

In the days leading up to San Diego Comic-Con we spoke to industry professionals who work in the field of auctioning and brokering sales of comic books, original art, and related collectibles. They shared their opinions on the state of the comic market and expectations for the 2022 San Diego Comic-Con. Here is ComicConnect COO Vincent Zurzolo’s perspective:

Scoop: Do the present inflation worries have you concerned, and do you think it’ll have any impact on comics?
Vincent Zurzolo (VZ):
I’ve been in the vintage comic business for over 36 years, I’ve been through dot.com bubbles bursting, the Great Recession and what I’ve seen time and time again is that tangible assets like comic books do very well value-wise during these times. While inflation is high, and I have seen some corrections in certain areas of comics, I believe the market will continue to thrive. Collectors and investors are passionate about collecting, and in my opinion, there is nothing that is going to stop that.

Scoop: How do you see the marketplace at the moment?
VZ: I saw a correction in the Silver Age market in June, but at the same time I saw the Golden Age market booming. I think Silver Age will come back stronger than ever by end of year. Common material may suffer, but rare comics will continue to be in demand.

Scoop: What are your personal expectations for Comic-Con?
VZ: I am so excited to be back at SDCC for the first time since 2019! This is the big one. It will be great to see clients I haven’t seen in years and to meet new clients as well. It should be fun. I hand curated the inventory we are bringing to the con. It is chock full of great comics, original art, video games for sale, and many mega keys like Action Comics #1 and Detective Comics #27 in our next Event Auction!