Artist and writer Steve Stiles, known best for his work on the post-apocalyptic series Xenozoic Tales, passed away earlier this month on January 11, 2020 after a battle with lung cancer. He was 76 years old.
After studying at The High School of Music & Art and the School of Visual Arts in Manhattan, he began illustrating for both fanzines and mainstream publishers. Stiles’ first cartoon for a zine appeared in Cry of the Nameless, and his art would later appear in popular fanzines such as Xero and Void.
Over the course of his lengthy career, Stiles primarily freelanced for zines, but would also be published by DC and Marvel. His work ranged from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers to Anarchy Comics, highlighting his range as an artist. Stiles was notably nominated for Best Fan Artist at the Hugo Awards more than a dozen times between 1967 and 2016, finally winning it in 2016. He also won 11 Fan Activity Achievement Awards for Best Artist between 2001 and 2016.
Stiles was also notable for having coined a catchphrase – “Death is nature’s way of telling you when to stop” – in the early ‘60s. He called it his main claim to fame, given how often it’s been used and reprinted.
Stiles is survived by his wife, Elaine, his brother, Randy, and three nephews and a niece.