
Kevin O’Neill, the comic artist and co-creator of League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, died on Monday, November 7, 2022. He was 69 years old.

O’Neill launched League of Extraordinary Gentleman in 1999 with co-creator Alan Moore. The stylish story followed Mina Murray and the aptly described extraordinary team of Allan Quatermain, the Invisible Man, Captain Nemo, and Dr. Jekyll who are recruited to save the world from equally exceptional threats. He also co-created the comic series Nemesis the Warlock and Marshall Law.

The English comic artist who was born on August 22, 1953, began his comics career as a teenager. He worked for International Publishing Company as an office boy and worked his way into the art department. When they launched the sci-fi comic anthology, 2000 A.D., he joined the title doing spot illustrations. His first full story was 1977’s Judge Dredd Summer Special and a year later he got his first regular feature with Ro-Busters with Pat Mills. The pair worked together on Terror Tube and Killer Watt, then they got the ongoing title, Nemesis the Warlock.

Moving over to DC, he did fill-in issues on The Omega Man, before joining Moore on Tales of the Green Lantern Corps Annual #2. O’Neill and Mills collaborated on the superhero title Marshall Law, first at Epic Comics then at Apocalypse Comics, and moved it again to Dark Horse.

After League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, he drew Nemesis the Warlock in Prog 2000. He worked on the third League title, Century, and contributed to Moore’s magazine, Dodgem Logic. O’Neill and Mills co-wrote the novel, Serial Killer, and he had worked on Moore’s Moon and Serpent Bumper Book of Magic at Top Shelf.