
Peter Parker is trying to make a name for himself in Marvel Animation’s Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. Disney+ released the official trailer for the upcoming series, introducing the newest incarnation of Spidey, along with his friends and foes.

The show is described as “an animated series that follows Peter Parker on his way to becoming a hero, with a journey unlike we’ve ever seen and a style that celebrates the character’s early comic book roots.”

The high energy trailer introduces Peter as a plucky/awkward teenager, as seen by his interactions with fellow students at school. But once he puts on the Spider-Man suit, He becomes the hero we all love from the impressive moves to the funny quips. The trailer is filled with exciting shots of Spider-Man helping people and defeating criminals, leading up to a meeting with Norman Osborn and an upgraded new suit.

The voice cast includes Hudson Thomas as Peter Parker, Kari Wahlgren as Aunt May, Colman Domingo as Norman Osborn, Hugh Dancy as Otto Octavius, Grace Song as Nico Minoru, and Eugene Byrd as Lonnie Lincoln. Live-action Marvel stars Charlie Cox and Vincent D’Onofrio are voicing Daredevil and Kingpin, respectively. Jeff Trammell is the head writer on the show and Mel Zwyer is the supervising director.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man kicks off its ten-episode first season on Disney+ on January 29, 2025.