
Overstreet Access is a fount of information about all things comics, from never-ending lists of books and their values to in-depth coverage of creators, and well beyond. One of the many key aspects of the site is the search function for finding characters.

Comics are home to myriad great characters, and many of them appear in quite a few comics books. Keeping track of them can be overwhelming, which is why Overstreet Access has easy to use tools to find all the information you need on your favorite characters.

For example, a search of the weather-manipulating X-Men hero Storm produces a fierce image of the character, alongside the number of titles and issues that she has appeared in, as well as her first appearance. Under that is a very detailed biography on the character, covering her creation, evolution, important story arcs, powers, even appearances on other Earths.

Below her biography, is the list of comic books that Storm has appeared in. Clicking on one of those titles brings up the book’s details, including the synopsis and number of issues. Under that is the list of issues that Storm appears in within that title. This helpful tool allows collectors to quickly find just the issues that their favorite character appears in, and easily add them to their want list.