
The Silver Age of comics marked a crucial point in comics history for many reasons. Marvel introduced a bevy of characters who would become the publisher’s mainstays, while DC revamped some of their heroes and introduced new versions of others to incredible success. Crime and horror comics pushed the boundaries of the time, instigating the creation of the Comics Code Authority.

The impact of Silver Age books is clearly seen in the secondary collecting market, as many key books of that era continue to see incredible growth in value. To show just how much the prices have risen amongst the Silver Age’s biggest keys, we are taking a look back at the most valuable Silver Age books 20 years ago in The Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide #34.

#1 – Amazing Fantasy #15 – $42,500
#2 – Showcase #4 – $41,000
#3 – Fantastic Four #1 – $34,000
#4 – Amazing Spider-Man #1 – $32,000
#5 – Incredible Hulk #1 – $23,000
#6 – Showcase #8 – $16,800
#7 – X-Men #1 – $13,000
#8 – Showcase #9 – $10,500
#9 – The Flash #105 – $8,500
#10 – Brave and the Bold #28 – $8,000