
Atlas (Seaboard); July 1975
Cover by Jim Craig

Title: “The Colossus of the Iron Citadel”
Synopsis: Wulf and Rymstrydle discover unexpected conditions in the Iron Citadel where they end up battling a mechanized colossus.

Writer (plot): Leo Summers
Writer (script): Steve Skeates
Artist: Summers

Review: Following a pair of issues that were clearly Larry Hama passion projects, this series falls prey to the Atlas’ third issue shuffle. That said, former pulp artist Leo Summers steps in admirably. While the art is a little rough, his plot about a hyper-industrial citadel turned secret, socialist paradise offers a fresh twist to typical fantasy locales. More importantly, Wulf continues to be less misogynistic than many barbarian books of the era (including Atlas stablemate Ironjaw, a particularly egregious example). A step down from earlier outings, but still a keeper.

Grade: B-

Second opinion: “Bizarre.” – The Slings & Arrows Comic Guide second edition (2003)

Cool factor: The Iron Citadel would have been worth another visit.
Not-so-cool factor: The rat creatures are in this story (albeit briefly), but why is there a blonde woman in bondage on the cover?

Character quotable: “What kind of callous madman finds humor in the desperate attempts of others to preserve their lives?” – Wulf, enlightened barbarian

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