
DC; November-December 1972
Cover by Nick Cardy

Title: “Slaves of the Emperor Bug”
Synopsis: A beetle broach acquired at auction pulls the Titans into an old feud between a bug god and salamander warrior.

Writer: Bob Haney
Penciler: Arthur Saaf
Inker: Nick Cardy

Review: Never high art but always fun, Bob Haney’s Teen Titans adventures often read like Scooby-Doo episodes with superheroes. There are elements of gothic horror and globetrotting adventure, seasoned with more than a dash of not-so-hip-hipster dialogue. There is an inescapable feeling that anything can happen next and nothing really makes sense, but Haney sets a tone and delivers consistently. The art is also consistent – and quite good – thanks in large part to the inking of Nick Cardy. This iteration of the Teen Titans knows exactly what it’s trying to be and delivers on that promise.

Grade: C+

Second opinion: “A little supernatural flare and some exotic Mexican sites give this one enough action to generate excitement... 3 out of 4 stars.” – Craig Shutt, Comics Buyer’s Guide #1604 (May 2005)

Cool factor: Check out that Nick Cardy cover!
Not-so-cool factor: The male Titans won’t trust their teammates’ “female fixations” but will listen to a talking bug broach? Dudes.

Character quotable: “Cool the comedy, clowns – this is serious!” – Lilith, who clearly hasn’t read this comic

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