
DC; August 1975
Cover by Ernie Chan

Title: “The Hero Who Jinxed the Justice League”
Synopsis: Trouble seeks out Adam Strange and the Justice League – both on Earth and 25 trillion miles away on Rann.

Writer: Cary Bates
Penciler: Dick Dillin
Inker: Frank McLaughlin

Review: What could have been a special issue featuring the marriage of earthman Adam Strange to longtime love Alanna of Ranagar ends up playing out as a pretty routine issue of JLA. While many comics of this era seemed in a hurry to grow up, the Justice League often lagged behind with simple plots and awkward dialogue; even as a kid, this reviewer felt like this series was being “written down.” Still, it was always cool to see DC’s big guns together under one cover, and the art of Dick Dillin practically defined “solid journeyman effort.”

Grade: B

Cool factor: Half the Justice League falls prey to a Borg attack.
Not-so-cool factor: Unfortunately, it’s not that Borg.

Notable: Marriage of Adam Strange and Alanna.

Character quotable: “I believe we are confronting a form of alien life with unpredictable powers.” – Hawkman, eagle-eyed observer of the obvious

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