“With well over 400 original art lots now accepting bids, collectors may choose from nearly 300 interior pages in our current auction,” ComicConnect President Vincent Zurzolo said. “This week, I’m proud to feature some of the most desirable in the auction.”
The auction also features interior art by Ron Frenz, Gene Colan, Denys Cowan, and more well known artists. The original art auction ends December 4, 2023, at 7 PM ET.
“Interior pages embody the purest essence of comics, the juxtaposition of words and pictures in sequence to tell a story,” ComicConnect’s Original Art Coordinator Micah Spivak said. “Interior pages can feature scenes of battling titans, or shocking twists depicted in extended detail, to even complete one-page stories. Pages that offer a character’s first appearance, especially if it’s their very first panel, command very high premiums proving that it’s not only covers and splash pages that light a fire for investment collectors.”
Spivak can be reached at micahs@metropoliscomics.com to discuss consigning to ComicConnect’s upcoming auction.