
In Event Auction #56, ComicConnect is selling many Silver Age keys, particularly from Marvel. “Many of the most desirable books from that era, with the most popular characters at the time, were published by Marvel,” ComicConnect President Vincent Zurzolo said.

ComicConnect is offering multiple copies across the grade spectrum of numerous Marvel Silver Age keys, including rare international copies.

Editor Julie Schwartz led DC throughout the Silver Age and kept the publisher chugging through the cultural decade by introducing new story concepts, heroes, and villains that kept fans coming back monthly. Some of the DC Silver Age books in Event Auction #56 include Showcase #4, Brave and the Bold #34, Aquaman #1, and Action Comics #252.

“You’d do well to win keys in multiples if your budget permits, otherwise simply buy the very best example you can afford,” Zurzolo said. “Event Auction #56 is packed with opportunities for every budget – best of luck!”

Rob Reynolds can be reached at robr@comicconnect.com or (888) 779-7377 with any questions about your collection.