One of the biggest ComicLink Auction events of the year is now open for bidding. The Spring Featured Auction features a selection of certified comic books and related original art from comic books, strips and fantasy. Major keys in high grade lead the auction including Avengers #1 CGC 9.4 and Fantastic Four #5 CGC 9.4 and #48 CGC 9.8. There are lower grade, relatively affordable examples of several of the major Golden Age issues including Detective Comics #27, Batman #1, Superman #1, Captain America #1, and more, some of which are Bob Kane/DC file copies, from the Joe Simon Collection, or signed by key creators.
Other major comics include Incredible Hulk #1 CGC 7.5, Mad #1 CGC 9.8, Tales of Suspense #39 CGC 8.5, Amazing Fantasy #15 CGC 6.0, Fantastic Four #1 CGC 5.0, Showcase #8 (second Silver Age Flash) CGC 9.0 (top four) and #22 CGC 8.0, Sub-Mariner Comics #1 CGC 5.0, the #2 Justice League of America Registry Set including #1 CGC 9.2, Albedo #2 CGC 9.8, Brave and the Bold #54 CGC 9.6, X-Men #1 CGC 8.0, #14 CGC 9.6, #35 CGC 9.8, and #76 CGC 9.8 (single highest graded), Amazing Spider-Man #1 CGC 7.5, #3 CGC 9.2, #9 CGC 9.4, #13 CGC 9.4 CVA Exceptional, #14 CGC 9.4 White Mountain Pedigree, #16 CGC 9.4, #50 CGC 9.4, and #129 CGC 9.8, Black Cat Mystery #50 CGC 7.5, Chamber of Chills #23 CGC 7.5, Iron Man #1 CGC 9.8, Journey Into Mystery Annual #1 CGC 9.6, Marvel Spotlight #5 CGC 9.4, Tomb of Dracula #10 CGC 9.8, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1 CGC 9.2, Human Torch #1 CGC 6.5, Adventure Comics #247 CBCS 7.5, All-American Comics #61 CGC 7.0, All Star Comics #8 CGC 9.0R, Wonder Woman #1 CGC 8.0R and #6 CGC 8.5, House of Secrets #92 CGC 9.2, Captain America Comics #33 CGC 9.2 The Promise Collection, Captain America #100 CGC 9.8, Daredevil #1 CGC 8.5 and #4 CGC 9.8 (highest, one of four), Action Comics #242 CGC 7.5, and Marvel Super Heroes: Secret Wars #8 CGC 9.9.
Original art in the Spring Featured Auction now open for bidding includes a Steve Ditko Amazing Spider-Man Marvel Masterworks pin-up; Gene Colan and Tom Palmer Doctor Strange #176 cover with Strange and Clea; Simon Bisley Heavy Metal War Machine “Wolves in the Distance” cover painting; Jim Lee Wolverine #50 back cover; Brian Bolland Batman Official Annual 1982 with Batman and the Joker, and 2000 AD #95 Judge Dredd pages; Ryan Ottley Invincible #29 cover; Jack Kirby Journey Into Mystery #106 Thor transformation page plus Mister Hyde; Michael Turner Witchblade in repose illustration published six times; Bob Layton and Marie Severin Power Man and Iron Fist #60 cover; J. Scott Campbell Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #1 variant cover with Mary Jane; Dave Cockrum Ms. Marvel #21 cover; Hal Foster Prince Valiant Sunday dated August 21, 1960; Frank Frazetta Conan with battle axe and shield illustration; Kelley Jones Batman #517 title splash; Joe Kubert Brave and the Bold #35 page 1 title splash from the Silver Age Hawkman and Hawkgirl’s second appearance; Ron Lim Infinity Crusade #1 cover; Alex Ross “DC Comics Unleashed” 2005 Upper Deck Vs System JLA Card Case painting, and Super Friends trade paperback cover; Bernie Wrightson Chamber of Darkness #7 page; Burne Hogarth Tarzan Sunday strip dated November 16, 1941; and Bob McLeod Marvel Graphic Novel #4 page from the first New Mutants appearance and Dani Moonstar’s first use of powers.
The Spring Featured Auction will be followed by the Focused Auction on June 7. Auction placement can be reserved, and previews of the growing auctions are available on the ComicLink Auction Schedule. Upfront cash advances are available upon receipt of seller material. ComicLink’s sales team can also be reached by emailing or calling (617) 517-0062 on weekdays between 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM ET. Consignors who have already worked with ComicLink can also reach out to sales representatives with whom they have previously worked.