Variant comic book covers are a prevalent part of the industry with dozens released on a weekly basis. Some titles give readers one or two extra covers, while others come with 20 or more per issue. They are available as limited editions, some have virgin artwork minus the title, some are black and white, and others present the work of many artists providing art for just one cover.
Because of these and other factors, variant comic book covers can impact the price of an issue on the secondary market. Overstreet Access includes variant covers within comic book listings to help collectors navigate all of their options where variant covers are concerned.
Overstreet Access adds more variant comic book covers to the website on a regular basis. In fact, 135,000 variants were added through 2023, and that number was up to 206,000 by the end of 2024.
It’s easy to find the variant covers for each comic book issue. For example, a search of the new Jonny Quest comic at Dynamite Entertainment shows that the first issue has 29 variants, the second issue has 19 variants, and so on. Once you click on the specific issue, you can scroll down to the issue details and see all of the covers under the “Variants” tab. The cover art is accompanied by the name of the artist, its incentive ratio (if applicable), and other information, such as blank sketch or foil variants.