This week MyComicShop has a preview of some inventory that will be on the website soon, including a one of a kind warehouse find. The long-running Harvey Awards were once held at the Dallas Fantasy Fair and Lone Star Comics volunteered to help tabulate the votes. In 1990, Alex Toth and Steve Ditko were inducted into the Jack Kirby Hall of Fame, however, it appears that the pair never received their physical awards commemorating the honor. While Ditko (who famously eschewed awards and honors) may not have cared, Toth did not forget the mistake. In fact, on his ballot for the 1991 awards he sent organizer Paul McSpadden a strongly worded response in lieu of filling out the ballot. This piece of comics history will be up for bid in their April Prime Auction.
They also have original art headed to the site soon, including a cel from Harley Quinn’s first appearance in the Batman: The Animated Series episode “Joker’s Favor,” Kevin Maguire and Al Gordon’s title page splash for Justice League International #9, and a gruesome Rune page by Barry Windsor-Smith and John Floyd from Giant-Size Rune #1.
On the comics side, they are continuing to post a selection of pre-1960 books including an Exciting Comics #64 CGC 9.6 with an Alex Schomburg cover, and Action Comics #86 CGC 6.5, the last war cover to be produced for the series.
MyComicShop is currently buying and accepting consignments. Collectors who are looking to sell or consign can reach the Seller Services team at either (817) 670-8115 or