
ComicLink is still accepting high value comic book and related art consignments for their Winter Featured Auction that begins on February 14, 2025.

The firm is also accepting consignments for their Focused Auction in March and the Spring CertifiedLink Auction. Consignors can also reach ComicLink’s sales team by emailing buysell@comiclink.com or calling (617) 517-0062 on weekdays between 8:30 AM and 5:30 PM ET.

CertifiedLink categories include authenticated collectibles like sports and non-sports trading cards, video games, action figures, VHS tapes, coins, and sports, historical, and entertainment memorabilia. CertifiedLink can be reached by emailing buysell@certifiedlink.com with details or a prospective auction list or by calling (617) 517-0072.

ComicLink will be taking consignments in person this weekend on February 1-2, at The Anaheim Hilton in Anaheim, CA. Consignment Director Jon Signorelli and Sales Associate Joshua Smolek will be available to meet with attendees all weekend, starting on Friday evening, January 31, and they will be set up at the ComicLink booth on Saturday and Sunday. Cash advances will be available at the booth for qualified consignments.

Special arrangements for consignment drop-offs on Friday evening or Saturday morning before the show can be made by emailing Signorelli at Jsignorelli@comiclink.com or Smolek at Jsmolek@comiclink.com. Arrangements can also be made in advance by calling ComicLink at the number above.