ComicConnect’s Winter Mega Monthly Auction is now open with the return of the Mike Ploog Collection, a selection of rare underground comix, and more vintage books from across the ages.
The Winter Mega Monthly’s Golden Age greats include the scarce L.B. Cole cover for Captain Aero Comics #24 and a selection of Jumbo Comics featuring Sheena, Queen of the Jungle and art by Matt Baker. The auction includes Captain Marvel and his three Lieutenant Marvels all in color for Whiz Comics #29, while Jack Kirby and Joe Simon pull a heist on the cover of Real Clue Crime Stories #7.
Strange Tales #5 has Joe Maneely’s art for “Room Without a Door,” and Hawkman #4 bridges DC’s Golden and Silver Ages with the first appearance of Zatanna. Stan Lee and Steve Ditko foreshadow Ant-Man in Strange Tales #78, before Marvel marches on to Galactus’ first full appearance in Fantastic Four #49, followed by the Black Panther’s debut in Fantastic Four #52.
The ‘60s shift further into the future via the John Silverstein Collection of classic Underground Comix. This high grade selection includes Robert Crumb works such as poster lots, classic comics, and even a first printing of Zap Comix #1. There are also rare finds by notable Underground creators like Harvey Pekar, Dan Clowes, Kim Deitch, and Vaughn Bode, plus Spain Rodriguez, Peter Bagge, and more.
There are plenty of top books and rare foreign titles from Mike Ploog, who defined the look of dark heroes like Ghost Rider, Werewolf By Night, and Man-Thing. DC launches their own Bronze Age with Denny O’Neil and Neal Adams bringing back the Joker in Batman #251. Sabretooth gets his start in Iron Fist #14, and Beta Ray Bill is introduced in Thor #337 9.6 newsstand edition. The auction also includes comic magazines such as Frank Frazatta’s cover for Creepy #7 and Man-Thing’s debut in Savage Tales #1, plus more notable titles.