Catch the Wave

The next 3 Rivers Comicon is coming up soon on June 1-2, 2024, at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center, located at 1000 Fort Duquesne Boulevard in Pittsburgh, PA.

Guests include C.B. Cebulski (Marvel Editor-in-Chief), Dave Wachter (Punisher), Don Simpson (Megaton Man), Howard Bender (Action Comics), Larry Stroman (Ghost Rider), Mark Morales (Thor), Maria Wolf (New Mutants), Mike McKone (Uncanny X-Force), Ron Frenz (Amazing Spider-Man), S.A. Check (Three Stooges), Sandy Plunkett (Rocketeer Adventures), Steve Geiger (X-Men), Trish Forstner (Stray Dogs), and Vito Delsante (Superman), plus others.

3 Rivers Comicon will be open on Saturday from 10 AM to 7 PM and Sunday at 10 AM to 5 PM.

Admission is $16 for Saturday, $13 for Sunday, and $25 for the weekend.

The complete guest list, ticket options, and additional convention details can be found at 3riverscomicon.com.