
Many remember Abigail "Ma" Hunkel, the Red Tornado, for her dynamic lead in balancing super-heroism along with being a mother of two. But did you know that she was almost the first female to be added into the Justice Society of America? If only she had kept her pants on.

In All Star Comics #3 in 1940, Red Tornado was invited to the first ever meeting of the Justice Society. In a hilarious moment so common to Red Tornado she unceremoniously ripped her long johns. Rather than face this all-star cast of heroes pants-less, she opted to slip silently into the night. A good call I'd say.

Due to this unexpected full moon, Wonder Woman now holds the title as first female in the Justice Society. Despite this, Red Tornado's affiliation with the Society didn't end here, although it was ignored for most of the 1940s. However, Ray Thomas later acknowledged her as an honorary member.

Her connection to the Justice Society continues when, after being presumed dead, she resurfaced as an old woman in the 2000s. Red Tornado then took over as caretaker of the Justice Society as well as custodian of the Justice Society Museum. The Hunkel legacy doesn't end there, with granddaughter Maxine Hunkel, eventually joining the Society as Cyclone.

It just goes to show you, losing your pants doesn't have to be the end of the world.