
In 1974, the Japanese-based toy company Takara Co. released a science fiction toyline called the Microman. This line consisted of a series of action figures, vehicles, robots, playsets and various accessories. The Mego Corporation licensed the Microman action figures in 1976 and rebranded them as the Micronauts. 

Many of the initial Micronauts toyline offerings were repackaged versions of Takara’s Microman, although some were modified or reconfigured. The original line of Micronauts included characters such as Acroyear, Galactic Warrior, Space Glider, Time Traveler, Acroyear II, Andromeda, Baron Karza, Force Commander, Oberon, Pharoid, Galactic Defender, Antron, Membros, Repto, Centaurus, Emperor and Green Baron. As the popularity of the Micronauts toyline grew, the line expanded to include new alien figures such as Antron, Repto, Membros, Lobros, Kronos and Centaurus. 

During 1982, the Mego Corporation went bankrupt and eventually dissolved. However, that was not the end of the Micronauts. Palisades Toys later acquired the rights to manufacture a new line of Micronauts toys in 2002. More recently, Hasbro released a special limited edition Micronauts Classic Collection toy set at the 2016 San Diego Comic-Con. This set included Galactic Warrior, Pharoid and Orbital Defender and featured packaging artwork by artist Ken Kelly. The toyline has also inspired various comic book adaptations by Marvel, Image, and Devil’s Due.

While the backstory for the Micronauts varied from comic to comic, the central theme remained the same. These freedom fighters, explorers, and adventurers were dedicated to fighting the evil Baron Karza. This tyrant, who enslaved many of the planets within the Microverse, was eventually defeated by the Micronauts. Following his defeat, the Micronauts decided to explore the Microverse and continue defending it from new threats. The most recent adaptation by IDW features stories by Cullen Bunn and art by David Baldeon.

Did you know the Micronauts are preparing to make the leap from print to screen? Paramount Pictures recently announced a feature-length Micronauts film, scheduled to hit theaters on October 16, 2020. Ahead of the film, Hasbro announced plans to  develop a Micronauts animated show to air in 2019.