
In 1984, up and coming director James Cameron introduced a seemingly unstoppable killing machine with single minded focus on assassinating a young woman. The Terminator opens in post-apocalyptic 2029 as humankind, led by John Connor, fights the machines who incited a nuclear holocaust. A machine known as a Terminator goes back in time to 1984 to kill Sarah Connor, the mother of the man who will lead humanity in the fight against the machines. Knowing their plan, John Connor sends fellow soldier Kyle Reese back in time to protect his mother.

The science fiction action-thriller earned both critical and audience praise upon its release 40 years ago on October 26, 1984. Rising star Arnold Schwarzenegger played the Terminator, Linda Hamilton had the role of Sarah Connor, and Michael Biehn portrayed Kyle Reese. But, did you know it could have starred a very different cast?

Before Cameron cast Schwarzenegger as the Terminator, he met with Sylvester Stallone and Mel Gibson for the role. Retired pro football player O.J. Simpson was a heavy favorite, but Cameron didn’t think he was believable as a killer. Cameron and Schwarzenegger originally met to discuss the role of Kyle Reese, however, the director quickly realized that casting the former bodybuilder as the hero meant he’d need an even more imposing actor to play the Terminator. After that meeting, Cameron decided he’d found his villain.

Sarah Connor was originally going to be played by Lisa Langlois, but she was already filming The Slugger’s Wife. Lea Thompson and Rosanna Arquette auditioned for the part, and actresses like Jennifer Jason Leigh and Melissa Sue Anderson were considered. Hamilton had just wrapped filming on Children of the Corn when casting was taking place. The part of Sarah called for a young woman who appeared vulnerable, but was masking strength she had yet to discover, and Cameron found that in Hamilton.

The role of Kyle Reese had a large pool of potential candidates. Cameron met with Sting, but the pop-rock singer turned it down. A who’s who of young talents were considered for the part, including Kurt Russell, Matt Dillon, Christopher Reeve, Treat Williams, Scott Glenn, and Bruce Springsteen. Biehn was chosen for his ability to play the action scenes and portray the drama and romance with Sarah.