In 1987, Hasbro released a line of action figures known as the Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light. This toy line inspired two promotional tie-ins, a comic book series published by Star Comics and an animated television series produced by Sunbow Productions. While the comic only lasted six issues, the series produced an entire season of thirteen 22-minute episodes.
The story took place on an advanced society, Planet Prysmos, where all forms of complex machinery were no longer functioning. Instead people were forced to rely on old school magic to accomplish tasks. All those seeking to gain magic needed to compete in a competition led by the wizard, Merklynn. After surviving the dangerous tournament, survivors were given armor embedded with unique animal totems – denoting which animal they can turn into. The specific animals are selected by Merklynn based on their personalities or abilities. Visionaries were classified into two groups, the Spectral Knights and the Darkling Lords. Spectral Knights used their magic for good, while the Darkling Lords used their powers for selfish aims.
Leoric (lion) leads the Spectral Knights, along with Ectar (fox), Feryl (wolf), Cryotek (bear), Witterquick (cheetah), Arzon (eagle), and Galadria (dolphin). Meanwhile the Darkling Lords are made up of Darkstorm (mollusk), Reekon (lizard), Mortdred (beetle), Cindarr (gorilla), Cravex (phylot), Lexor (armadillo), and Virulina (shark). The fantasy series featured the voices of Susan Blu, Roscoe Lee Browne, Peter Cullen, Jim Cummings, Jennifer Darling, Bernard Erhard, Jonathan Harris, Chris Latta, Michael McConnohie, Hal Rayle, Neil Ross, Beau Weaver, and Malachi Throne.