
Throughout the Riverdale universe, three names are repeatedly tossed around: Archie, Betty, and Veronica. While the torrid love triangle of three high school students can be entertaining, there is a far more interesting character hiding behind an oversized burger. Do you know who this is?

Jughead Jones, created by Bob Montana, first appeared in Pep Comics #22 (December 1941). He is the son of Forsythe Jones II making him Forsythe Pendleton Jones III, although he usually goes by Jughead, Jug, or Juggie. Jughead is an easygoing student, known for his snarky and sarcastic sense of humor. Despite being considered an oddity by his classmates, he prefers his nonconformism. More often than not, Jughead is engaged in pranks and bets with his fellow classmate and tormentor, Reggie. Although he shows little interest in academics, Jughead is revealed to be extremely clever and creative when it suits him. Especially when it comes to outdoing Reggie, which he always does.

Unlike his best friend, Archie, Jughead is generally uninterested in any kind of romance. Rather, he focuses all his energy on his obsession with food. He is revered for his ability to consume absurdly large quantities of food in one sitting, without ever getting sick or gaining any weight. The most he ever suffers from is a pot-belly following a particularly large meal. Given his penchant for food, Jughead is a preferred costumer of most food establishments in Riverdale, especially Pop Tate’s Chok’lit Shop.

Over the years, Jughead’s character has remained relatively the same. He always loves food, and cares little for anything else.