If ever you've watched Howdy Doody, you're sure to have seen rambunctiously bizarre beast known to viewers as Flub-A-Dub. An amalgamation of eight different animals, the Flub-A-Dub was "discovered" and brought to the Howdy Doody audience by Buffalo Bob. As quirky a character as he is, we though it only fitting to fill you in on the "finer points of the Flub-A-Dub."

1. When Flub-A-Dub first appeared, he donned a lovely hat, filled with flowers. But when he began to eat those flowers, he started a children's craze. Mothers found themselves frequently scratching their heads and reprimanding their kids for chewing up their backyard flower gardens. The Howdy Doody phone lines were flooded with calls from irate mothers, insisting that Flub-A-Dub was to blame. So, to appease parents everywhere, writers decided that Flub-A-Dub needed another dietary supplement: spaghetti.

2. Edward G. Kean and Robert E. Smith arranged Flub-A-Dub's trademark spaghetti anthem, to further ensure that their impressionable viewers would sink their teeth into pasta instead of posies.

3. The weird animal amalgam was christened Flub-A-Dub by the very same Edward Kean. When he first saw the creature, he skimmed the dictionary, searching for the perfect term to describe it. He came across "flapdoodle," meaning "nonsense or bunkum." And then, anchored under its synonyms was the term "flub dub." And so it began. Kean later added the "A" for effect, and a star was born!

4. You're probably wondering which eight animals comprise the fabled Flub-A-Dub. Well wonder no more. He is equal parts duck, cat, giraffe, cocker spaniel, seal, raccoon and daschund. A ha! You're very observant. That's only seven animals. Flub-A-Dub also has the memory of an elephant.
l amalgam was christened Flub-A-Dub by the very same Edward Kean. When he first saw the creature, he skimmed the dictionary, searching for the perfect term to describe it. He came across "flapdoodle," meaning "nonsense or bunkum." And then, anchored under its synonyms was the term "flub dub." Kean added the "A" for effect, and a star was born! \par \par 4. You're probably wondering which eight animals comprise the fabled Flub-A-Dub. Well wonder no more. He is equal parts \i duck, cat, giraffe, cocker spaniel, seal, raccoon \i0 and \i daschund\i0 . A ha! You're very observant. That's only seven animals. Flub-A-Dub also has the memory of an \i elephant\i0 . \cf0\f1\fs20 \par } iously released full-sized self. A hand on one hip like she's ready to take care of business, this handpainted heroine is a phenomenal frontwoman choice for kicking off DC Direct's Justice League mini-maquette run.<br></div> </body> </html> enFrames=0 GenIndex=0 --> <hea