In the Limelight

David Mack, the creator of Kabuki, co-creator of Echo, and writer-artist on Daredevil, was recently a guest at Baltimore Comic-Con. Saturday afternoon he took a break from meeting fans to chat with Scoop about the show and what he’s working on now.

Scoop: Are you having fun this weekend?
David Mack (DM): Baltimore Comic-Con, second day of the show, every day has been incredible. The people are wonderful. I’m really happy to be here.

Scoop: Which of your books are fans gravitating towards most?
DM: Well, right now, the Daredevil work I did. I’m signing a lot of those. A lot of Jessica Jones. But there’s a character I created when I was writing Daredevil called Echo, she’s getting her own TV series, so there’s a lot of people bringing me those Echo issues to sign.

Scoop: You have a lot of prints for sale at your table; which ones are most popular at Baltimore Comic-Con?
DM: I have a lot of prints I do for Neil Gaiman. I do the covers for Neil Gaiman’s American Gods and Norse Mythology, so people are picking up those. A lot of Sandman characters, people are getting a lot of those. I’m working on a new Neil Gaiman series right now called Anansi Boys.

Scoop: Have you been surprised by anything that fans have brought up when they meet you?
DM: A lot of people mention my creator-owned series, Kabuki, that they started following me then. But, sometimes, people bring up very obscure books or comics, which is always fun too. It’s been great seeing a lot of the early Kabuki stuff – this is the 30th anniversary of Kabuki. And it’s the 25th anniversary of when I started working on Daredevil and Echo stuff. It’s cool seeing that stuff from way back.

Scoop: What else are you working on in addition to the Neil Gaiman projects?
DM: I’m doing a creator-owned series with Brian Michael Bendis. Dark Horse just collected the first volume, it’s called Cover, it’s based on my overseas work for the US State Department. It’s all collected with extra stuff at Dark Horse in a paperback. We’re working on a new series now. It’s been my return to full interior art on a monthly series.

Scoop: Which characters or books would you like to work on that you haven’t yet?
DM: I’d like to do some more Batman work. Years ago I was asked to write Batman, but I was too busy at the time. I’d love to do that at some point.

Scoop: What do you like about attending cons?
DM: People are saying nice things to you and buying your work, so you can’t complain about that. It’s nice to connect to people and see how they connect to the books.

Scoop: Specifically, what do you like about Baltimore Comic-Con?
DM: Everyone is really enthusiastic, really positive, really passionate here. It’s been all good energy.

Scoop: Which shows are on your schedule for the rest of the year?
DM: In two weeks I’ll be at Rose City Con in Portland. After that, I’ll be at New York Comic Con in October. In November I’ll be at the Fan Expo San Francisco at the Moscone Center. In December I will be at the Tokyo Comic Con and in January I’ll be in Honolulu at Hawaii Comic Con.

Scoop: Thank you so much.
DM: Yeah, it’s a delight. Thank you so much.