In the Limelight

Stephanie Williams is a comic book writer and historian who has written multiple Nubia titles, Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, and she has written for The A.V. Club and Nerdist. Between meeting readers at Heroes Con, she spoke to Scoop about her work, what she’s hoping to write next, and the experience of meeting readers at Heroes Con.

Scoop: Are you having fun at the con?
Stephanie Williams (SW): I am absolutely having fun. Heroes Con is a home convention for me, so anytime I could just roll out of bed, go to a comic convention and sell some books, meet some really great fans – I’m very happy to do so.

Scoop: How does it feel to connect with fans at conventions?
SW: It means the world to me because it reminds me of why I am doing this. Writing comics, writing in general can be so isolating. So, having a chance to meet with the public, have folks tell me that the stories have meant something to them. It’s just that extra energy that I need to push through those deadlines. Which I got one right now that I gotta finish.

Scoop: Which books of yours are fans most interested in discussing this weekend?
SW: They’ve been asking about Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur Wreck and Roll, which as they should because it’s an amazing animated series. Also Nubia, of course as always, but Moon Girl has been winning it.

Scoop: Have you been surprised by any of your work that readers are talking about at this show?
SW: Actually, yeah, so my Strange and Unsung All-Stars of the DC Multiverse, folks have been picking that up. Which makes me very happy because there’s a lot of work that went into that and they’ve been telling about all the weird characters they read and that’s been really fun.

Scoop: Aside from being a hometown show, what else do like about Heroes Con?
SW: I love it because the fans are great. It’s just some really great vibe convention. It’s creator focused, which is always really great. Like, you know, I love the NYCC, but the celebrities take over everything. I also want to see Chris Evans, so I completely get it. But Heroes Con is just such a really great vibe, and it will always be my favorite con.

Scoop: What are you working on now?
SW: Right now, I am working on my first creator owned series. It involves time travel, something I said I would never do but, I guess I lied to myself because I am doing it.

Scoop: Any other project on the schedule that you can tell us about?
SW: Yeah, I have a couple of things with DC Comics, one was just recently announced. There’s a one-shot tie-in for the Absolute Power summer event that’s going on right now. I did a Wonder Woman one-shot and I also have something that may show up in Batman: The Brave and the Bold.

Scoop: What titles or characters have you not worked on yet that you’d like to?
SW: That’s a good one. I’ve been pushing… I want to write a Justice League Antarctica book, which I know is weird, but I love G’nort and I just want to give him the best team as possible. Because, you know, you want to pal around with some losers, and I want to write that. I also would love to write Big Barta all day long. I want to write some Big Barta and some Miracle Man.

Scoop: What’s on your schedule this summer?
SW: Oh, that a lot. I got Wellsboro Comic Con in August. I’m doing Fan Expo Chicago and Rose City Comic Con then I have BCAF in Boise, ID. I’m also doing Baltimore Comic-Con, L.A. Comic Con and NYCC, and who knows, might be some more after that.