
The climate apocalypse turns into a sci-fi/horror comic series in Top Cow Productions’ Haunt You to the End. The series is led by Ryan Cady (Batman: Urban Legends) and Andrea Mutti (Batman Eternal), the team behind Infinite Dark.

“This five-issue journey will intrigue even the greatest paranormal skeptics like myself,” Top Cow President Matt Hawkins said.

Described as “The Day After Tomorrow meets The Haunting of Hill House,” the series is set in the most haunted place on earth that has been destroyed by climate change. Haunt You to the End will introduce a tech billionaire, Catholic priest, Sarah Connor-like figure, military contractors, and a journalist. Together, they go on a quest to prove that there is life after death while finding deeper horrors in their ravaged world.

“Andrea Mutti and I have been dying to work together again for a few years now, and when this idea popped into my head, everything was already in his style: moody, washed out watercolors and appropriately dreary scenes of doom and gloom,” Cady said.

“I knew immediately that I wanted to contrast the warm and cold colors on the same page to reflect Ryan’s dynamic world. There is action, suspense, horror and evocative and extremely visual and powerful environments and characters,” Mutti said.

Haunt You to the End will be in comic shops on June 14, 2023.