
It’s time to school the dead in Zombie-Sama: Dorm of the Dead. The full color graphic novel by Billy Tucci and John Broglia is now seeking backers on Kickstarter.

“The world has survived the pandemic. Students have returned to college, higher education, parties and unleashed their out of control hormones. And everyone knows, in horror, that leads to coed ballyhoo… and zombies,” the description reads. “As before, destiny beckons college sophomore, Jim Okami to answer the call and save humanity. The dead have risen again and the Zombie-Sama must return, whether he likes it or not… It’s time to school the undead!”

Special variant covers are offered in the Kickstarter campaign, featuring the art of Dan Mendoza, Irene Strychalski, hardcover edition by Billy Tucci, and Broglia’s Van Wilder homage. Another perk is the Zombie-Sama: Winter Ronin one-shot special set between Zombie-Sama and Dorm of the Dead. Perks also include a challenge coin and t-shirt, Shi: Gatecrasher Ashcan Edition by Tucci and Gemstone President J.C. Vaughn, Broglia’s original splash page, and more.

The Kickstarter campaign for Zombie-Sama: Dorm of the Dead runs through April 5, 2023.