
Jennifer Blood, the suburbanite turned vigilante, is on a new case of murderous mission in Jennifer Blood: Battle Diary.

The original Jennifer Blood (created by Garth Ennis) lives on with a new incarnation in the form of her daughter, Alice. Having taken on her mother’s mantle, the new Jennifer Blood was presumed dead following the Bloodlines series by writer Fred Van Lente in which she took out several mobsters.

Van Lente is continuing his run with the character in the new series, that sees Jennifer as the target of white supremacist groups. Stuck between two rival racist factions, she must play both sides and even create fake alliances to neutralize the groups.

“She’s a vigilante who cares more about killing any criminal she happens to come across than her own life,” Van Lente said. “As a character she’s a live hand grenade you just lob in the middle of any situation and it instantly becomes dramatic. It’s hard not to get the blood pumping when you have such a limitless possibility of stories like that. I’m just thrilled the readers are responding too, and keep us coming back out for encores. What’s not to love?”

Van Lente is reuniting with artist Robert Carey; the pair previously collaborated on the Jennifer Blood Presents… Giulietta Romeo: Hitwoman special. Jennifer Blood: Battle Diary features covers by Joseph Michael Linsner, Lesley “Leirix” Li, and Rebeca Puebla.

The first issue will coincide with the release of the collected graphic novel of her last series, Blood Debt. It is solicited in Diamond Comic Distributor’s October 2023 issue of the PREVIEWS catalog.