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In the last series, the Tenth and Thirteenth Doctors stopped a deadly encounter with the Weeping Angels and Autons in London in 1969. Thirteen returned to the present with Ryan, Yaz, and Graham to find that Earth has been conquered by aliens in an alternate timeline.

Doctor Who comics return and bring with them the introduction of villains from the 1970s era of the TV show. The new series, written by Jody Houser, is already off to a good start. The Doctor makes contact – and annoys – the ruling aliens while trying to figure out what has happened. Elsewhere another familiar face in Doctor Who’s world appears to be a rogue freedom fighter looking to save the day.

Doctor Who Comics already has the hallmarks of a good TV show two- or three-parter. The villains have the numbers, the Doctor and her companions are held captive, and allies from the past are poised to intersect with the Time Lord.

-Amanda Sheriff