
BOOM!; $4.99

Oliver Peet thought he was just another 12-year-old boy trying to fit in at a new school when some crazy things started happening. His house was attacked by cartoon crows and then he was saved by the cowboy cartoon character Pecos Peet. If that wasn’t weird enough, Pecos Peet dropped the bomb that he is Oliver’s grandfather.

Now that the pair are on the run from whatever was trying to attack Oliver, he learns more about himself – like being part cartoon. As his grandfather opens a new world to the not-so-average boy, Oliver’s mom is desperately trying to find him. And she’s not the only one.

In the tradition of Who Framed Roger Rabbit, this book written by Tony Fleecs with art by Dave Wachter mixes the “real world” with cartoons. There are different rules that work for cartoons, straight out of the Warner Bros. and Disney playbook. It’s a fun read with hints that Oliver might be more special than he could imagine.

-Amanda Sheriff