Malibu; $1.95
Co-founder James Hudnall’s Hardcase was one of the most consistently well-written titles in Malibu’s Ultraverse line, but it’s been a while since I’ve read any of the issues. In approaching the series, I decided to just pick an issue at random, to look at its accessibility as well as its individual story and characters.
This issue is the second part of a story and it starts with Tom Hawke (Hardcase) dying. He’s really almost dead and it’s to the point that his consciousness is floating above his own body. Choice, his female friend and colleague, finds his body and is about to suffer the same fate, but she’s able to protect herself and fly his body to the hospital.
A chain of events follows with a veritable ton of characters and story elements. Evil folks, mysterious folks, and potential allies are all dropped into the mix.
Hudnall and artist Scott Benefiiel set up a very complicated plot and then deliver on it. While a lot of it is set up for the subsequent issues, it’s readily accessible to a new reader (or one who last read this in the 1990s, like me). Hudnall’s voice and way of looking at things are sorely missed in comics, and this was a good reminder of that.
– J.C. Vaughn