
Valiant; $4.99

The team of heroes is currently separated. Tama and the Archers are trying to find Savage in the Faraway, X-O Manowar is looking for Divinity deep in space, and Livewire’s team is trying to reconvene with the group on the floating G.A.T.E. command center, not knowing that it was destroyed and the heroes that were on it are in peril.  

Dramatic situations abound in issue four as Livewire’s group tries to save a lot of people in distress, Tama makes a discovery, and X-O Manowar finds something unexpected. Elsewhere Silk asks his young protégé, the impressionable Chris, to do something extreme for the cause.

This issue of Resurgence of the Valiant Universe by Fred Van Lente pushes many of our heroes hard as they face existential crises and life and death situations. With so many characters, there’s a lot going on in this book, but Van Lente is keeping the story well organized. Each portion of the story is direct and to the point, revealing important details and moving on to fill in the blanks elsewhere. This keeps things moving along and easy to follow.

The art by Guillermo Fajardo, Andres Ponce, and Julio Azamor, and colors by Lautaro Tfuli and Brushu Studio are highly detailed on every page. There’s so much going on with the visuals, bringing the story to life with great action and drama. Though things are looking bleak, there are still plenty of moves left to make in the upcoming final issue.

-Amanda Sheriff